Dear Smirk Studios Fans:
i've been slackin pretty hard on this animation due to all kinds of stories that nobody needs to hear about. i am being charged with a class 6 felony for dumping leaves in the desert, and also part of the 'harsh talking to' that the cop gave me was that i need a business license to RAKE LEAVES door to door. whatever, i'm back on track and doing what it takes to survive in this crappy economy prollem i'm experiencing as a STATISTIC in the states. (USA in case you're retarded and dont know what 'the states' means.)
anyways, i have some good news for you. as far as the rough draft animation for 'Teen Pijinz EP 1', i am now about 7/8 done, and really only have 1 scene left. this is great news, because this means i'll be getting to the sound work. this is also GREAT NEWS, because i will be working with sirjeffofshort and his voice actors. the inspiration from these guys (namely sirjeffofshort) has boosted my motivation and drive a whole shit load, so you will definately be happy with the finished result. the rough draft animation is only in story board mode, and i rushed it because i just want a visual to follow. i will be practicing different poses for my characters to make sure i know how they move really well, and therefore my overall animation quality will prove worthy of high votes. i want a very smoothe turnout in which you can tell that i know the characters really well, and i also want to make sure they dont look different in different scenes. if you notice in Merry Ricksmas 2, the osama grinchladen is very choppy and looks different in different scenes. that comes from not getting to know my character well enough.
ok new paragraph lol. some other things going on are also in the near future. by the end of this month, you will be seeing a cartoon by sirjeffofshort. this 'sketchd' episode is going to feature me as the background artist. pretty sweet, huh? by the end of january, you will for sure be seeing much good quality stuff from yours truly :P stay tuned in, and keep your fanny right here at SMIRKSTUDIOS!!!
ps, here is another screenshot. i give you no description, as it will take away from the hilariousness of the episode. use your imagination, leave a comment based on how you think this generic background character will affect our main characters!!! if nothing else, make up a scenario!!! seeya :P