Dear Smirk Studios Fans,
A production update for Teen Pijinz! I clipped all the script sound file up into sections that fit the cartoon, and then I synced it all up together by moving frames around and stuff. It actually took about 2 hours all together, but now that it's done, everything should run much more smoothly. I dunno why I didn't do it sooner! I've been struggling so hard for no good reason!
I will still need to put in sound effects and ambience and some music here and there, but I will wait till the toon is done for that I think. It's coming along so nicely! Now with the voices and scenes all lined up, it's definately showing it's "big project" look. No new screen shots today, but soon enough!
Be sure to check my BLOG out, and also make sure to follow me on my Twitter for all kinds of updates regularly!