Dear Smirk Studios Fans,
i dont have much to say right now. the voice overs arent in yet, but should be by the end of today. i've heard all the raw audio before it gets put together, plus all the out-takes and everything sounds AWESOME!!! thanks so much, Sir Jeff of Short for all your hard work, and thanks to you're whole Sketched crew for having so much fun with it!!! I couldn't do this without you guys :P
also, i have done just less than half of the backgrounds that i will need for this episode. that means it's only a matter of time until the finished product is viewable, so keep an eye out for me in the next 3 weeks!!! i'll be droppin in to tell you more soon, so KEEP IT RIGHT HERE!!!
PS - here is a screen shot from the very first frame of the cartoon. this is what it will look like in the final, so suggest away if you have things to say.